A Cool Wile E. Coyote Car Commercial

I'm sucker for VFX heavy commercials, specially those that can use CG in a cool way. I don't care if it's old or new, if it's well done and even goes beyond what a commercial can do with CG then I'll admire it. 

One of my favorties is an old Wile E. Coyote commercial adversing a Pontiac. Now I know I don't need to explain the setup, at this point it's obvious, but what really caught my attention about this commercial is how it's visually executed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qstlyYkQNIU

Here is a commercial that start off with just 2D characters on what looks what a seemingly 2D background. But when I rewatched it I notice that it wasn't just 2D characters on a 2D background. It was 2D characters combined with a heavily stylized CG background. 

I picked this up because some shots and how they look and move are way too smooth and "robotic" to be fully 2D backgrounds. Not to mention that some of the rocks in this  shots look too perfected by the "perfectness" of 3D with how they are designed to be 2D. They must have also used "toon shading" to get 2D look of the canyon that they wanted so that it look straight out a classic Wile E short.  

But where the commercial really takes the 2D/3D hybrid approach up a notch is when they insert a live action car into the mix. You have now a 2D Wile E. Coyote , chasing a 2D Road Runner, on a stylized 3D background in a live action Pontiac. 

I wish to know just how they blended all these elements together into such a distinct and stylish ad, because what they've done here with the merging of several styles and really making the desert look 2D even though it's CG goes above and beyond a car commercial should go. 


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