How I made my own projector for my Afrofuturism Collage

For my Afrofuturism Collage Project for my Intro to Computer Graphics class, we had to take five or seven things that meant a lot to us and find images of those things that could represent what we wanted to put in the collage. 

One of the images I chose to showcase what meant to me was a projector, meant to show that I love movies. The image I picked to showcase that was this: 

While I thought this was a great image to use to showcase what I'm passionate about, I knew I couldn't just "use" this image for my collage. It's clearly someone else's work. So, I thought "How can I make this my own?" and came up with a great idea. 

First, I imported the image into Photoshop as background. 

Secondly, I put a layer over the image of the projector and decreased its opacity so I could see the image clearly. 

Thidly and finally, I began to trace over the image and adding my own spin to the look of the projector. Making it more cube like and blue, adding a little red antenna on it, and a small crowd made out of three shapes. 

All together, it came out like this:


I really liked how it turn out and it was fun to really make this my own. 



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