Kung Fury: The Most Gloriously Ridiclous use of CG and VFX I have ever seen
Kung Fury is a lot of things. It's silly, ridiculous, it's funny, and it's unabashedly stupid. But, at it's core, it's a self aware parody of cheesy 80's films. Cop movies? Kung Fu movies? Time travel movies? If you name it, it's in there. Released in 2015, Kung Fury is the passion project of filmmaker David Sandberg that pays homage to the cheesy films of the 80's. Taking place in Miami in 1985, it follows a half kung fu master/half cop who goes on a wild quest to stop Adolf Hitler and his kung fu nazi's from taking over the world. It's also the most gloriously ridiculous uses of CG and VFX I have ever seen. While the project was all funded by a Kickstarter made by Sandberg, he didn't have enough money to do filming on real settings. Because of this, majority of the settings and objects in the film were made using digital effects and green screen. While it's obvious the settings and objects in the film are CGI, they're done so...